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March 1, 2025 · 9:30am PST

The Window-shopper with Money

There is a saying that money doesn’t buy you happiness but it does pay for the pursuit…

Money not only doesn’t buy you personal development, it can be quite a hindrance as I mention in the story in the video. 

Allowing ourselves to step into the mindset that you can or can’t “afford” something hides us from the truth that we all choose exactly what matters to us.

I used to tell clients that if they couldn’t “afford it,”  then it was the universe showing them that they weren’t meant to be there. And that’s fine. Privately though, I held that if someone desperately wanted to be at a retreat or a class and money really was the issue, then I would give it to them. 

But that almost never happened…

The client I mention in my video had this way of giving money to people to appear that she didn’t need or care about money. 

But then could also be extremely cheap fighting over $50 when her husband’s company produced a meagre $50,000 a month passive income for her.  

People without money will often say they can’t afford to work on themselves and then, when the transmission in their car gives out, they give that money to a mechanic. One choice is not right and the other wrong. The point is not to use money as an excuse for the choices you make. 

Everything is a choice. We are creators. We are not victims of anything. When you own that fully, then you can choose what you want to happen and what you need to do about it. 

Effiji Breathwork is a good choice for those who want healing, clarity, realization and a connection with their True Self.

If that is you, then you are in the right place. The next class is Sunday. I look forward to serving you there.

The breath is step one of the journey on which we guide  people.

Step two offers a path to take that connection from the breath and transform your physical world with it. That is what we are focusing on at the retreat in January.

Whatever you choose in your life, make your choices deliberately. Pay the price that is required. Learn from your experience. And move forward knowing that you have the power to create the life you want to live.


Your Spiriitual Liberation Awaits

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Effiji Breath is a conscious hyperventilation practice, focused on the inhale, done over the course of one hour.

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