The work of Effiji Trauma Release is a three step process. Effiji Breathwork is used to reconnect to the mainframe computer. It’s a soul activation. When you do Efffiji Breathwork, you reconnect with who you really are separate from trauma. Step 2 is active trauma release. This actually begins in the breathwork and deepens the more breathing you do. During this step we also add personal guidance, insight and feedback for you so you can see how trauma has configured your energy. We can see that in the way you breathe. And we show you so you understand. With that awareness, you are in a position to choose change. Step 3 is what I call “Retruthing.” It’s one thing to clear trauma and to be a clear person, but that still leaves all of the conditioning, habits and patterns in the body and mind. These patterns are not really you. This step is about helping you return to the truth, to go back to what is natural and healthy for the REAL YOU. This is why movement is so important during this step. I learned these movements from Taoist masters of martial arts in this country and in China. Taoism is the path of going back to what’s natural using animals and the elements. What you’re learning when you do these is how to be the master of your energy in relation to the world around you. These movements are about the power of living in your center. Learning to move from the center helps you learn how to overcome the effects of trauma which deeply affect your center, your desire, your life force. Trauma creates this effect because the outside world did something to you and affected you internally. A traumatized person is constantly in a battle with that world seeing it as separate from their own center. When you learn to move from your center, you can learn to stay in your center regardless of what the outside world is doing. You learn that to be centered is never to lose your power to create from the inside to out. To be centered is to always be connected to your soul’s mandate and never have it overtaken by others. Learning to live in your center is how you become the author of your life instead of a slave in someone else’s. We are now finally beginning to share this in our 2 day Trauma Release. If you want to change your life in a way that will be so stunningly profound, the 2 day event helps bring your body back to its most healthy and natural state. When you want this you can join us. It doesn’t matter your experience or knowledge. All you need is the desire and will to enter into the process. |