
Become an
Effiji Breath Facilitator

Our signature 6-month training and certification program

Effiji Breathwork facilitator certification is an opportunity to learn this sacred work from its founder and share it with the world.The basic premise of certification is that you are always working on yourself. If you see helping others are “your” personal work you may inquire about becoming a facilitator.

An Invitation to a Liberated Life...
Help Liberate the World

When I first did the breath, I didn’t know that I would ever teach it. All I knew back then was that I definitely wanted to do it again.
So when a training was offered, I moved to California and started learning.
When I came back from studying with my teacher, I found it very natural to start sharing what I had learned with whoever would listen, including my own family.
What I noticed is that the more people did the breath, the more it seemed like a selfish act to not pay it forward by training others to do the same thing.
That’s why I started creating trainings. To help those who were breathing to be able to share it with other people.
This kind of breathwork allows people to go very deep, very quickly. As a facilitator, you play the honored role of one who guides breathers straight to their soul.
Watching someone on the journey to liberate themselves is unlike anything you will ever experience.
Consider this your invitation to join us on that journey as an Effiji Breathwork Facilitator.
You will find the details of the program below. Due to the importance of this work, new facilitators are accepted by application only.
Elijah Nisenboim, Founder of Effiji Breath

Since starting Effiji Breathwork, I feel more spontaneous, more creative, more relaxed, playful, buoyant—overall more joyous. I laugh more, sleep better, and feel optimistic in my life. These alone are remarkable. But underneath all these, something deeper is changing, like water flowing underground.

I am learning to be gentler with myself, even with my obsolete behavior patterns. The knots they held me with are loosening. Being patient with myself, and with my life, I am learning to respect myself more deeply, enjoy my own company, and love who I am, both foibles and gifts. This transformation, like night turning to day, has been precious.

J.L. · Savannah, GA

Due to the intense and immersive nature of this work, an application and interview are required.

In this 6-Month Certification Program

You will...

  • Receive the knowledge, optimized and refined over 30 years, required to guide someone through a complete Effiji Breathwork Experience.
  • Develop a new understanding of how to connect with your own energy and use it in a powerful way in this work.
  • Strengthen your ability to listen to your internal truth and follow the direction provided by your intuition.
  • Understand the power you have when you make the gift of your presence available to others before, during and after an Effiji Breathwork Experience.
  • Learn how to open yourself to receive the reward of transformation that naturally comes by guiding and facilitating transformation for others.
  • Enjoy a new level of confidence that comes from finding and focusing your true voice.
  • Step into your own power as a facilitator of healing and a guide capable of leading others to their own liberation.

Preview the course

As a facilitator, I’m really able to hold space for people, really be in their process, track whats going on from week-to-week… month-to-month. Really help someone move through whatever they need to move through, get through whatever is holding them back. And I get to help them with that. I get to be there with them.

S.N. · Livermore, CA

The Curriculum

This program is set up so that you can take in the information at your own pace. You’re given 6 months of access to the material, resources, and support from Sarah and Elijah.


  • Being a Facilitator
  • The Philosophy of Effiji


  • Preparing the Space
  • Giving the Pre-talk


  • The Beginning of the Effiji Session
  • The Hour of Effiji Breathwork
  • Post Effiji Breathwork
  • Using Music

Following up

  • Feedback
Learn Breathwork


Student facilitators gain access to a vast archive of instructional videos, written materials and audio files covering every topic you can think of related to giving a Private Effiji Breathwork session: virtually and in-person. 

Your Teachers

Elijah Nisenboim

Founder of Effiji Breath

Elijah is the founder of Effiji Breathwork sharing his work with tens of thousands of people for 30+ years. He has a unique method for guiding people using Effiji breathwork, Sacred Taoist Movement to reveal the “Trauma Code” that unlocks the map to one’s life’s purpose.

He has composed created and record eighteen volumes of music created specifically for Effiji Breathwork and 6 volumes specifically related to the 6 stages of Effiji which can be found on all streaming services. He is also the author of two books A Liberated Life ; Effiji Breathwork and the process of freeing your mind (2021) and What’s In Your Roots; Making the Unconscious Conscious (2012).

Sarah Charmoli

Master Effiji Breath Facilitator

As Director of Operations and Master Effiji Breath Facilitator, Sarah is passionate about the transformational power of Effiji Breathwork and the practices that make up the holistic program designed to support people in their personal consciousness work. In her role as the primary support person to Elijah Nisenboim, founder of Effiji, for the last nine years, Sarah has successfully organized, executed and co-led multiple weekend intensives and programs across the globe.

Sarah is committed to the growth of each individual called to work within the framework that Effiji provides for their exponential evolution and to the growing community of individuals supporting one another on this path. 

Your Investment

Payment remitted after review and acceptance of application.

One Payment

$ 2999
One Time Payment
  • Pay the full amount up front

Payment Plan

$ 650
Per Month for 6 months
  • Extended payment plan for those budgeting

Two Payments

$ 1699
First Payment Due Up Front
  • Second payment in 3 months

Have questions?

Send us a message in the chat box in the bottom right corner of your screen, or shoot us an email at effijibreath@gmail.com. We are here to answer to your specific needs. 

Learn the
Effiji Breath Technique

Watch as we let you in on the origins of Effiji and teach you the technique in a short demonstration. We'll show you how it can transform your mind, heal your body, and free your spirit.