
Free yourself from
the controlling effects of trauma

Remove the Obstacles Keeping You From your LIfe's True Purpose

Get your spot for the next
Community Effiji Breathwork session

What can you expect to feel in your first, one-hour class?

You can expect to feel freedom; freedom from pain, freedom from suffering, maybe for the very first time in your entire life.

How Is Trauma Controlling Your Life?

The “Trauma Code” is the unique configuration of “stuck” energy that exists inside of your field as a result of trauma you experienced in life.

While trauma can be caused by terrible and tragic events, it can also be created in the course of normal life. Trauma is created when we experience an event that is  beyond our body’s capacity to process.

Instead of integration, the event gets “stored” in the form of stuck energy in your field. Your mind is then tasked with keeping you from ever re-experiencing the pain of the past. To achieve this goal, it exerts control over how you think, speak and live. This is how trauma ends up controlling your life and keeping you from being who you are here to be.

During an Effiji Breathwork Session, each breather’s unique trauma code is revealed in an energetic form that can be used to help its integration. Trauma controls the way you breathe and it controls the way you move. With the help of someone trained to understand this information, a single one hour session can reveal much about the obstacles keeping you from a full experience of life. 

Effiji exists to help you free yourself from the controlling effects of trauma and reclaim your rightful position as the authority over your life. 

See Your Trauma Code... Revealed

The “Trauma Code” is the unique configuration of “stuck” energy that exists inside of your field as a result of trauma you experienced in life.

While trauma can be caused by terrible and tragic events, it can also be created in the course of normal life. Trauma is created when we experience an event that is  beyond our body’s capacity to process.

Instead of integration, the event gets “stored” in the form of stuck energy in your field. Your mind is then tasked with keeping you from ever re-experiencing the pain of the past. To achieve this goal, it exerts control over how you think, speak and live. This is how trauma ends up controlling your life and keeping you from being who you are here to be.

During an Effiji Breathwork Session, each breather’s unique trauma code is revealed in an energetic form that can be used to help its integration. Trauma controls the way you breathe and it controls the way you move. With the help of someone trained to understand this information, a single one hour session can reveal much about the obstacles keeping you from a full experience of life. 

Effiji exists to help you free yourself from the controlling effects of trauma and reclaim your rightful position as the authority over your life. 

Reserve your spot for the next Trauma Release Immersion


Discover the Unique Configuration of Trauma in Your Body and Get the Tools You Need to Remove Its Invisible Control Over Every Area of Your Life. 

Reserve your spot for the next Effiji Breathwork Community Breath

If you are looking for breakthroughs in the quality of your life, take the first step on that journey and reserve your spot for our next Community Breath. Freeing yourself from the controlling effects of trauma is not something anyone has the power to grant to you, it is a power you must reclaim for yourself. helping you begin that process is the purpose of this class

Elijah's newest book!


Uncover The Hidden Map To Your Life's True Purpose

Inside your body at this very moment lives a unique configuration of “stuck” energy called your “Trauma Code.” This energy was stored by your body, in response to events of your past, that were beyond your capacity to process.

This stuck energy controls how you feel, it controls the way you think, it controls what you do and say.

This book offers a way out. It offers a map to move beyond the controlling effects of trauma and get on the path to living your life’s true purpose.

This journey is not quick and it is not easy. But if you want to live a life beyond the controlling effects of this invisible energy, then what you will discover in this book is a way to do that.

Elijah's newest book!


Uncover The Hidden Map To Your Life's True Purpose

Inside your body at this very moment lives a unique configuration of “stuck” energy called your “Trauma Code.” This energy was stored by your body, in response to events of your past, that were beyond your capacity to process.

This stuck energy controls how you feel, it controls the way you think, it controls what you do and say.

This book offers a way out. It offers a map to move beyond the controlling effects of trauma and get on the path to living your life’s true purpose.

This journey is not quick and it is not easy. But if you want to live a life beyond the controlling effects of this invisible energy, then what you will discover in this book is a way to do that.

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breathers say...

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Copyright 2001 - 2024 Effiji Breath

Effiji L.P. is a Limited Partnership registered in Louisville, KY USA with its headquarters in Louisville, KY 40205

Learn the
Effiji Breath Technique

Watch as we let you in on the origins of Effiji and teach you the technique in a short demonstration. We'll show you how it can transform your mind, heal your body, and free your spirit.