Developing a process sounds daunting. What does that even mean? In the Effiji world the word process comes up a lot. The reason it comes up alot is that most people in the world of “personal growth” are so focused on getting somewhere, changing something, being better, feeling better and healing but not so much on having any relationship to what they are struggling with. It’s not wrong to want change. Sarah and I are here to help people facilitate that change. The problem is how to get to this transformation. That’s what a process is. Most people have an ideal for the way it should be and have no idea how to get there other than doing things and hacking their way to being well. Doing is part of it but there’s a lot that is happening inside you long before action. Being focused on getting to your destination sets up an internal tension and you end up dismissing the way you are in favor of the way you want things to be. And it’s here that people have no actual way to get from A to B because how can you make your life better while negating the way it is? To understand what a process is, think of it this way; You want to get somewhere called Happyville. You get in your car and you white knuckle it, speeding as fast as you can getting there and yell at every driver along the way, get tickets, run the car hard, burn out the transmission and never change the oil. That’s what most people do when it comes to their personal growth. A process is the way you take the journey. Even though you can’t always choose not to suffer you can choose how you take the journey. A process isn’t about the goal, it’s about your relationship with yourself. This is why Effiji Breathwork is profoundly powerful everytime because it brings you into the moment and will also show you how resistant you are to being in that moment. If you can tolerate the moment, breathe, then you are tolerating yourself and that’s a good thing. Then you can stop thinking about changing and start living with what is. Next session is November 26th and there’s no charge. |