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March 1, 2025 · 9:30am PST

The Simplest Explanation For How Breathwork Heals

Before discussing ‘how breathwork heals’, let’s talk about what it means to heal. To heal is to have all the parts of you working together in harmony between body, mind, and spirit… The etymology of the word heal means to make something whole, to be one. Most of us are fractured in some way. Birth itself is a process of having been one with our mother, then coming into a world, and separating, becoming an individual. At birth, life now has an inside and an outside world (perfectly represented by our in-breath and out-breath). Perhaps we spend much of our life seeking to be whole again even before the experiences of life begin. Oh, but the experiences! How profound, exalting, dramatic, and confusing they are. Perhaps you find yourself reading articles like ‘How Breathwork Heals’ because you you know you lack a true connection to your purest soul and spirit. 

All of us are affected by family and societal conditioning and traumas; big and small. When we can’t process these experiences we compartmentalize, bury, avoid, and eventually forget. By the time we are two years old our wiring is done and we do not feel whole. We are incomplete; both looking for and avoiding that buried part. While we spend our life seeking peace and oneness with ourselves, life, and others, we don’t want to touch the missing part because it’s associated with pain and suffering and we’ve turned it into the monster under the bed.

When you become so serious that your healing is your number-one priority, then Breathwork is something you should investigate.

How Breathwork Heals

To heal is to get back the missing part, but how? There are many modalities, teachers, and practices that have value. It takes a village + time to help us to heal.  But when you become serious. So serious that your healing is your number-one priority, then Breathwork is something you should investigate.

Our breath is the perfect representation of the duality of life. The in-breath and the out-breath represent birth and death, in and out, conscious and unconscious. It is profound how much it represents the two worlds we inhabit here on earth. More importantly like life, itself, it will happen automatically whether you think about it or not. Yet, if you do think about it you can guide your life to fulfill your destiny and be whole. Forget about your breath and you are an animal, automatic and unconscious. Think about your breath and you gain access to the very thing that has given you life the moment you came out of your mother’s womb. How profound! And every moment it is with you, willing to be trained. This is how breathwork heals. 

Breathwork is a bridge between your two worlds. It is the bridge between life which you take in on the inhale and death which you release on the exhale. It bridges your inner unseen world and your outer world that you perceive through your five senses. It is a bridge between the conscious world you know about and all the forgotten memories of the past buried in your unconscious.

Let me explain further how breathwork heals. It's serious.

Breathwork is not to be toyed with (at least not Effiji Breath, which is the practice I most believe in). Based on a 5000-year-old mouth breathing technique, practicing it is best with a guide who understands the power you are unlocking. A facilitator can guide you safely across the bridge to reclaim the life force that was buried in your past. When you practice breathwork, you take this bridge inward; back to the place where your parts have been missing. It’s simple, there is nothing to believe in or know. Your breath and the journey begins. If you do the breathwork practice, the bridge is guaranteed to connect you while you breathe. It’s not a thinking process. 

There’s no dogma involved. It’s simply an act of reconnecting. Reconnecting the conscious part that you know about yourself to the part that has been missing. Every time you practice breathwork it will work. Even if you do breathwork you will still go away from your true self. But each time you come back to do the practice again, you will cross the bridge and make the connection. The process of healing is ongoing. 

Elijah Nisenboim

Elijah has been working with people on their path of personal consciousness work for more than 30 years. His program combines a lifetime of study and practice with many masters in breathwork, healing, music, Sufism, and Tai Chi. He has a unique method for guiding people to support their exponential evolution using Effiji breathwork, energetic movement and spiritual practice. As the founder of Effiji, he travels extensively offering deep immersion and training in his method. He currently has eleven volumes of music created specifically for Effiji Breath which can be found on all streaming services. He is also the author of What’s In Your Roots; Making the Unconscious Conscious. He resides in Northern California. READ THE FULL STORY HERE

Elijah Nisenboim

Elijah has been working with people on their path of personal consciousness work for more than 30 years. His program combines a lifetime of study and practice with many masters in breathwork, healing, music, Sufism, and Tai Chi. He has a unique method for guiding people to support their exponential evolution using Effiji breathwork, energetic movement and spiritual practice. As the founder of Effiji, he travels extensively offering deep immersion and training in his method. He currently has eleven volumes of music created specifically for Effiji Breath which can be found on all streaming services. He is also the author of What’s In Your Roots; Making the Unconscious Conscious. He resides in Northern California. READ THE FULL STORY HERE


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