When we have trauma, the arteries of the mind and heart get clogged. The mind stops being clear and we stop trusting our heart.
In my system, there are four Levels of the Mind and these are the middle two. They are called the Energetic Level of the Mind and the Linear Level of the Mind.
They represent two necessary opposites: masculine and feminine, structure and freedom, logic and creativity
At its best, the mind organizes your internal world and builds a structure so you can create a stable, secure life. It’s all done through physics and measured through the five senses.
If you can’t prove it through science the mind has no use for it.
When your mind is functioning correctly, there is logic, sequence and organization. There is a right and wrong to how to do things.
You need the Linear Level of the Mind to work correctly. When it doesn’t (usually due to trauma) it stops being clear and you experience internal chaos, confusion, and irrationality.
Having structure will make your life stable, but with anything that’s solid and stable, you have a limitation of movement.
Without your unique life purpose though, structure isn’t supporting anything meaningful.
The Energetic Level of the Mind is your heart. It’s your nature, the things that make you unique.
The heart expresses the energetic nature of you. It’s the opposite of the mind. It’s non-material, non-linear and not practical. It’s what you feel, how you flow, create and dream. When we say “follow your heart” we are really saying “be yourself”.
Your heart is the energy of who you are.
In Chinese Medicine, the heart is considered the governor of all the organ systems.
Energy, being non-physical, has no form. It seeks the path of least resistance like water.
Energy connected to purpose, gives purpose for creating stability and security.
Above both Level 2 and 3 is the Visionary Level of Mind which creates intention, and below is the Animal Level of Mind where all parts of your inner world are held in the body, ready to get to the work of manifesting your life’s potential.
Feel free to study this complex diagram I made for you.

If you want to know more, I made a little video about structure and energy.
And a video about the Four Levels of the Mind as part of my manifesting system.