
Opening the Gate of the Linear Mind

If you are seeking to be sturdy and grounded, your mind needs to be clear. If you want to manifest your deepest desires, you need to clear. If you want to turn on the “light switch” that is your ability to manifest, there cannot be any break in the circuit or the light won’t turn on.

Level two of the mind, the linear mind, is so essential to learn because of how much it can help or hurt the process of manifesting.

The mind can provide internal mental organization in the form of confusion or clarity, delusion or insight, insanity or wisdom.

In the process of manifesting, the linear mind is a juncture on the vertical plain moving downward from spirit. This downward flow converts intention to energy and into thought, and then directs the energy into physical form.

I made this handy drawing to help.

Spirit has to continually convert itself until it becomes physical, and only then can you take action. 

While the linear mind can be helpful, it can also completely derail the process. When it is running the show, clarity, organization, efficiency and stability will be replaced by fear, rigidity, dogma and delusion. 

Another common way the linear mind can derail your manifesting intentions is one that no one seems to talk about or know how to fix. It’s when you’re trained and conditioned to live for the tribe and live in survival mode.  Most people are taught fear so early that they don’t dare to dream. 

When that happens, the linear mind’s role as a juncture is blocked moving upward from physical reality to the world of energy where opportunity, imagination and creativity lay. The linear mind doesn’t want to let go of structure; of what is practical and necessary for survival.

The linear mind as a gate is represented in the body by all the joints, ligaments and tendons that allow us to be both sturdy and flexible.

When your joints are turning and moving correctly, there is coordination and flexibility. When that’s not happening, there is rigidity reflected by conditions like arthritis. A person without organization moves around like a broken marionette.  

The answer to this is the Taoist Snake movement. When practiced, it teaches you how to be open, flexible, and adaptable, which is essential to be sturdy and grounded. 

For most people, being grounded is a concept. While that’s true, it is also a literal place in the body. It is the spine which keeps you upright vertically and it is all the juncture points in the body that allow you to move and adapt to the life you are meant to live. 


PS : On our NotCast this week, Sarah and I tackle the subject of our struggle to stay in the dreams of Level 3 as a real thing, not a delusional fantasy. WATCH NOW


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