About My Training in China
There’s a difference between the people who experience a thing and those who take that thing and use it to
There’s a difference between the people who experience a thing and those who take that thing and use it to
The work of Effiji Trauma Release is a three step process. Effiji Breathwork is used to reconnect to the mainframe
There is an inhale and there is an exhale. They belong together. The inhale is the preparation, and the exhale
That mirror on the side of your car allows you to see into your blind spot. It’s what prevents you
Breathing is a metaphor for your life. Your lungs are like a car with both manual and automatic. You too
My new albums of Effiji Breathwork music aren’t meant for you to lay down and breathe to for an hour.
Developing a process sounds daunting. What does that even mean? In the Effiji world the word process comes up a lot. The
Why getting rid of your trauma is not healing Why getting rid of your trauma is not healing Effiji Breathwork showed
When we have trauma, the arteries of the mind and heart get clogged. The mind stops being clear and we
The most common thing I am asked about Effiji is how it compares to the Wim Hof method. Recently, I
There’s a difference between the people who experience a thing and those who take that thing and use it to
The work of Effiji Trauma Release is a three step process. Effiji Breathwork is used to reconnect to the mainframe
There is an inhale and there is an exhale. They belong together. The inhale is the preparation, and the exhale
That mirror on the side of your car allows you to see into your blind spot. It’s what prevents you
Breathing is a metaphor for your life. Your lungs are like a car with both manual and automatic. You too
My new albums of Effiji Breathwork music aren’t meant for you to lay down and breathe to for an hour.
Developing a process sounds daunting. What does that even mean? In the Effiji world the word process comes up a lot. The
Why getting rid of your trauma is not healing Why getting rid of your trauma is not healing Effiji Breathwork showed
When we have trauma, the arteries of the mind and heart get clogged. The mind stops being clear and we
The most common thing I am asked about Effiji is how it compares to the Wim Hof method. Recently, I
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Effiji L.P. is a Limited Partnership registered in Louisville, KY USA with its headquarters in Louisville, KY 40205