Your one-stop resource for what you need to know about breathwork, self-care, mastering your inner world, and powerful tools for living your life purpose.
Your Location In The Inner World
Where we are in our awareness is a location of sorts. A location in the inner world. The Sufis have a name for this: “Makam”,
Why Healing “Strategies” Don’t Work
A fellow spiritual traveler, Mike, wrote this in our community forum: On another matter, I have so many ‘hurt,’ ‘angry’ or ‘need-to-control’ responses to the
Structure Vs. Energy
When we have trauma, the arteries of the mind and heart get clogged. The mind stops being clear and we stop trusting our heart. In
It’s a Good Day to Die
The most common thing I am asked about Effiji is how it compares to the Wim Hof method. Recently, I bought a chest freezer and
A Drug for the Linear Mind
Are we really evolving or are we just changing? Why do we place so much value on speed, movement, technology and skill? Yet we don’t
The Recipe for Trauma
Over 30+ years of working with people, I’ve discovered that a lot of people have no idea about the effect trauma is having on their
Your Location In The Inner World
Where we are in our awareness is a location of sorts. A location in the inner world. The Sufis have a name for this: “Makam”,
Why Healing “Strategies” Don’t Work
A fellow spiritual traveler, Mike, wrote this in our community forum: On another matter, I have so many ‘hurt,’ ‘angry’ or ‘need-to-control’ responses to the
Structure Vs. Energy
When we have trauma, the arteries of the mind and heart get clogged. The mind stops being clear and we stop trusting our heart. In
It’s a Good Day to Die
The most common thing I am asked about Effiji is how it compares to the Wim Hof method. Recently, I bought a chest freezer and
A Drug for the Linear Mind
Are we really evolving or are we just changing? Why do we place so much value on speed, movement, technology and skill? Yet we don’t
The Recipe for Trauma
Over 30+ years of working with people, I’ve discovered that a lot of people have no idea about the effect trauma is having on their
Do you want to
Join the 1000’s of people that have tried Effiji Breathwork as a way to heal physical pain, ease negative self-talk, clear trauma, and so much more.
Learn the technique now with our FREE tutorial.