Learn Breathwork
The purpose of Effiji Breathwork is to clear away blocked and stagnant energy caused by conditioning and trauma so that you can live in the fullness and power of your highest potential.
No one wants limitation and suffering in their life and it can be very difficult to make deep and lasting changes. By using your breath, the very source of life, you are activating your most advanced, intelligent, attractive, and powerful self.
Since the purpose of Effiji Breathwork is to get in touch with your soul and clear away everything that is in the way between you and your true self, it is common to feel resistance to the practice in the form of thoughts and fears. Don’t be concerned; keep breathing, it is part of your journey to freedom.
Practice acceptance meaning when you feel resistance like fears during the practice know that the breathwork is not creating anything new but bringing old memories to the surface for clearing and healing. Allow resistance by continuing to breathe and accept what you feel. Soon it will pass.
You are conditioned by the things that have happened to us throughout your life.
When you practice breathwork, allow for your resistance, continue to do the practice, accept the consequences and the experience of what happens. Allowing and accepting will put you in touch with your true self.
Effiji Breathwork focuses on breathing through the mouth, into the chest, and on the inhale.
The purpose for this method in brief is:
- Through the mouth – you will get more air in with each breath by breathing through the mouth. The nose is a control mechanism and limits how and regulates how the breath gets into the body. When you open up your mouth wide and take in a full breath, it penetrates the whole body.
- Into the chest – The most important part of you is right in the center of your chest. The heart center is where our deepest injuries are felt and carried. The heart is also the most powerful and infinite part of you; the true governor of your body..
- Focus on the inhale – the incoming breath is the breath of receptivity. You are taking in the source of life. The in-breath is life, the out-breath is death. Emphasize the in-breath to activate our receiving and opening while letting everything go on the exhale.
A few more details :
– Breathe as FULL as you can! Out to the edge.
– Create an intention, then let it go when you start to breathe.
Your checklist for the breathwork :
- Make sure there are no interruptions
- Set up in a space/place that is comfortable, safe, and relaxed
- Lie on a mat, couch, or bed
- Make sure your neck is comfortable but not pushing forward, you’ll want the passageway to be free, not cramped in any way
- Let your torso relax
- Your legs and arms can be wherever feels good to you
Energy releases through the hands, feet, and mouth. You will feel this and it is completely normal.
Allow the energy without judgement and focus your mind on your breath.
Follow along with the video and take 20 breaths. Do your best to keep with the rhythm, relax, and allow the body to begin to open.
At the end of the 20 guided breaths, take some time to rest. Go slowly.
You may do the 20 breaths sitting up or laying down. Whatever is most comfortable for you.
Setting an intention around what you may need in your life right now.
Examples are:
– Finances – Health – Spirituality – Relationships – Work – Career – Life Purpose
When you go into an Effiji Breathwork practice, you are conjuring and invoking the energy of your needs and allowing them to come through your breath.
Hold the intention and do the breathing practice as full as you can!
In the next video, you’ll be guided to breathe for a full two minutes.
You’ll want to be more warrior-like when you go into the breathwork. Go in stronger. Breathe
This energy will start to clear out the blockages and resistance in the lower level parts of ourselves that prevent us from feeling and inhabiting that divine energy.
Note : This practice can bring up a LOT emotionally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Be easy with yourself. Go slow at first. If it feels like too much to do two whole minutes, go back and practice the 20 breaths for a while. Then, when you feel ready, move on and try two minutes. You can create this experience however you like. Accept where you are. Love yourself.
Find a comfortable space to lay down. It can be on a mat, couch, or bed. Wherever you feel most relaxed. You’ll want to have some privacy and a place with no interruptions so you can fully concentrate on the practice.
Breathe as full as you can, in the mouth, into the chest, and focus on the inhale.
Follow along with the video. There is rhythmic music with some breathing to guide you. Do your best to keep with the rhythm, relax, and allow the body to open.
A lot of sensations, thoughts, and feelings may come up during the two-minute practice. This is normal. Accept what is there and keep focusing on your breath. This practice is like putting a magnifying glass on your inner world. It’s meant to show you what is there to work with.
After the two minutes is over, allow yourself at least 5 minutes to rest.
Once you finish the course, you are ready to experience a full Effiji Breathwork experience.
You’ve learned the technique, you’ve prepared your mind, now let’s jump in.
Need help?
If you don’t find what you’re looking for, get in touch! We’re here to answer your questions, listen to your experiences, provide feedback if necessary, and be your guides through this deep process of healing.
Fill out this form and someone from the Effiji Team will be back to you ASAP.
More Effiji, please!

October 14, 2021 · 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST
Join Elijah Nisenboim for a LIVE, VIRTUAL Class.
After you’ve completed this online course, you’re ready for the full experience. Elijah will be there to guide you through the whole process. This class will be taught live over Zoom.

A Liberated Life;
Effiji Breathwork and the Process of Freeing Your Mind
Part memoir, part psychological guidebook, A Liberated Life: Effiji Breathwork and the Process of Freeing Your Mind, details a clear and practical path to overcoming internal obstacles in order to live a more fulfilling, heart-centered, vital life.

Your one-stop resource for what you need to know about breathwork, self-care, mastering your inner world, and powerful tools for living your life purpose.

Elijah has been working with people on their path of personal consciousness work for more than 30 years. His program combines a lifetime of study and practice with many masters in breathwork, healing, music, Sufism, and Tai Chi. He has a unique method for guiding people to support their exponential evolution using Effiji breathwork, energetic movement and spiritual practice. As the founder of Effiji, he has traveled extensively offering deep immersion and training in his method. He currently has fifteen volumes of music created specifically for Effiji Breath which can be found on all streaming services. He is also the author of What’s In Your Roots; Making the Unconscious Conscious and his latest book, A Liberated Life; Effiji Breathwork and the Process of Freeing Your Mind. He resides in Northern California.